Are We There Yet?


Have you ever begun a project and wondered if you would ever see the completion? This house renovation has given me a new appreciation for the children of Israel and their ability to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in a mere 52 days. They had no power tools or home improvement stores, yet through God’s great and mighty power, they accomplished the task in record time, and all the while, the enemy was hard at work to stop them.

Yes, with each passing day of home improvement, I marvel at the miraculous nature of the feat Israel accomplished under the supervision of Nehemiah. At the same time, I find myself rejoicing that I serve the same God, and He is no respecter of persons. Just as He strengthened the Israelites and equipped them with skill, so will He do for us. In fact, He already has. In a mere two months, we’ve accomplished far more than I thought we could. Yes, my friends, God is good and faithful.

We’ve also been blessed to have a friend (who works as a handyman) offer his services free of charge on the days he can help out. I cannot tell you what a blessing this is and how much it has blessed our hearts. That being said, if there are any other skilled workers out there who are willing and able to donate your time and talents to help us get this project finished as soon as possible, we’d be happy to offer you food and fellowship as well as our sincere appreciation. If you can help, please contact us through our website, by phone, or through Facebook Messenger. We’re running out of time to see this project completed, and as the old saying goes, “Many hands make light work.”

Okay, enough about the house. Let’s talk about what God is doing in regards to our mission work. The last week in August, we did a few drop-ins and said our farewells to the Downeys, who flew back to Wales on the 29th. They arrived safely and are doing their best to settle back in after their two-month furlough. We already miss them dearly and are looking forward to the day we can be reunited again.

On September 1st, we were able to fill in for a local pastor as he and his family were out of town. It was a privilege to take part in both the morning and evening services, and the congregation welcomed us with open arms. Jason led the singing and preached both services. I played the piano for the congregational singing and provided special music for the evening service. All in all, it was a very special day, and we were so pleased to be a help to the pastor in his time of need.

God has also been working behind the scenes in providing us with meetings for the months to come. Even though Jason hasn’t been able to spend much time booking meetings because of devoting the time to the house repairs, God has opened the doors for several more meetings. Last week alone, one meeting and another mission conference were practically dropped in our laps. That, my friends, is our God at work. He is so gracious!

Well, that’s all for now. May God bless and honor you for your many prayers on our behalf.

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.
— Psalm 145:3