Jason and Dana Rongione

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In His Time

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Boy, do we get that!!! It’s been such an exciting time to watch the Lord move in ways we never would have imagined. On the other hand, it’s taken a lot of faith and patience to hold fast when God didn’t move like we thought He would or when we thought He would.

As it turns out, remodeling an old house takes a long, long, long time. . . especially when there are only two people working on it full time and one of those people is—well, let’s just say “handyman-challenged.” Yes, things are taking far longer than we had hoped or anticipated, but praise the Lord, we are making progress and doing our best to trust in God’s perfect timing.

We have some tough decisions to make in the near future, and we need God to do some mighty big miracles in a few of the situations we’re facing. We know He will come through for us, but we would like to ask you to pray about these things on our behalf. It’s difficult to wait on the Lord sometimes, especially when facing a deadline, but we know God’s timing is always best, and we remind ourselves of that truth daily.

On the positive side, we’ve taken part in some amazing church services over the past few weeks and heard testimonies of several who were saved during a revival or VBS. We’ve had the opportunity to attend sweet services where the Spirit of God moved in and hearts were touched. God has blessed us with many chances to present our ministry and our burden for Wales, as well as the privilege of meeting some wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, it’s been an exciting few weeks, and we know God is not done working yet!

In less than a month, we’ll be hitting the road for some LONG trips and several back-to-back missions conferences. Please help us pray for strength, provision, and safety during these travels and also that we’ll be able to get things in order with our housing situation before that time. It’s a big task, but we serve a mighty big God.

Thank you, friends, for your continued love and prayers. You help and encourage us more than you’ll ever know!